Strong and Able

Jul 10, 2024 | WELLhood Blogs | 0 comments

Strong and Able

Recently, while scrolling through social media, I came across a post that showed two pictures of 74 year-old women. One woman looked strong, able, and was pictured as a weight-lifting champion. The other picture was of a woman sitting in a darkened room looking out the window, not looking strong and able but instead lonely and weak. The comments of which picture you prefer to be, were of course, the strong and able 74-year-old.

Never Too Late

There are many ways we can achieve staying fit and strong. Good diet, moving every day, socializing. However, not everyone has taken these steps regularly throughout their lifetime. The good news is that it is never too late to start.

Deprescribe to Optimize

So where does deprescribing and optimizing medications come into play with this idea of strength and ability? If you take medications that make you feel weak, fatigued, achy, dizzy, and unable then you are less likely to get up and go, move, and socialize. There is an effect of “less movement more meds” and opposite is true too, “more meds less movement.”

Take Only What is Necessary

How do we figure this out? The 5-Step MedStrong Medication Optimization Plan (MOP) is a great place to start. You can learn more about the 5-Step MedStrong MOP with the book MedStrong- Shed Your Meds for a Better, Healthier You and also the MedStrong Workbook that allows for ample space to work through the 5-step process and allows for further guidance in thinking about your medications differently.

Take Steps Each Day- Literally

This is not something that will happen overnight, but taking steps each day to move a bit more and work with your providers on taking only needed medications, not the ones that make you feel unwell, are important. You can change the way you feel. You can help those you care for to take less and move more. Even those that are sitting can move more by incorporating sitting leg marches, practicing getting up and down from the seated position, arm lifts while seated. You will be amazed at how the body responds.

More Movement- Less Meds; Less Meds- More Movement!

Be empowered to be the able strong 74 year-old, or however old you imagine staying able, active, and Strong.

Be WELL! Be MedStrong!


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