
Dr. Donna Bartlett is available for independent consulting for organizations and individuals.

Dr. Donna Bartlett is available to speak at your health care programs whether it is professionally for CEUs or for a local health consumer audience.

Dr. Donna Bartlett, PharmD, BCGP
MedStrong: Shed Your Meds for a Better, Healthier You
MedStrong: Shed Your Meds for a Better Healthier You tells of the need to keep medications in check throughout the aging process. Why is this necessary? Overmedication increases side effects that can impact one’s well-being and quality of life, and can cause unintended consequences such as falls, hospitalizations, and traffic accidents. Many individuals remain on medications far longer than necessary, and having medications added when deprescribing a medication may be a better treatment option.

Dr. Donna Bartlett, PharmD, BCGP
The MedStrong Workbook
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