Before Your Next Appointment- Get MedStrong!

Jul 3, 2024 | WELLhood Blogs | 0 comments

Before Your Next Appointment

Get MedStrong!


Picture:I love to travel and just had the opportunity to visit Portugal. When I travel I love to see pharmacies in other countries. Here I am in the town of Carcavelos, Portugal.




Before Your next appointment- get MedStrong!- Literally, get MedStrong! 

  • Be informed about polypharmacy
  • Be educated on deprescribing
  • Learn about taking only what you need to optimize your medications


The Book: MedStrong- Shed Your Meds for a Better Healthier You

  • Defines and explains polypharmacy and being overmedicated
  • Identifies deprescribing as a means to optimize your medications 
  • Looks at prescription and non-prescription medications
  • Provides a 5-step MedStrong Medication Optimization Plan (MOP)
  • Discusses questions to ask providers about your health and medications
  • Addresses barriers to deprescribing- for both patients and providers
  • Guides deprescribing with a “deprescription” form


The Workbook: MedStrong Workbook

  • Magnifies the 5-step Medication Optimization Plan (MOP) 
  • Provides ample space to work through your specific medication list
  • Identifies medications that may no longer be necessary 
  • Evaluates the harm versus benefit of medications
  • Addresses potential fear of deprescribing
  • Guides deprescribing with a thoughtful plan with forms included


Book and workbooks are available on Amazon or at The Shop at




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